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Linux Equivalents Of Dos Commands

Linux Equivalents Of  Dos Commands

Are you a Dos command pro but finding it a little difficult to settle down with Linux command lines? Here's some help!

Linux command line is the most powerful tool of Linux, that can help you do almost every thing right from the shell. And if you are aware of the Dos commands, learning Linux command line becomes a lot more easier. Below is a list of Linux equivalents 36 Dos commands to help you out. You can also read and more Linux commands in this list of 83 Linux Commands For Beginners.

DOS commandsLinux commandFunction
assignlnCreate a file or directory link
/?manHelp about the command
break ontrapTrap ctrl-break / Trap signals
cdcdChange directory
chdirpwdDisplay directory location
clsclearClear screen
copycpCopy a file
datedateDisplays or sets the date
delrmDeletes one or more files
dirlsDisplays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory
doskey /hhistoryhistory List command history
echoechoDisplays messages, or turns command-echoing on or off
editvim (or other editor)Editor to edit files
exitexitExit the command prompt
fcdiffCompare two files and show differences
findgrepSearches for a text string in a file or files
formatmke2fs or mformatFormats a disk
findgrepLook for a word in files given in command line
hostnamehostnamePrint host name of computer
ipconfigifconfigDisplay/configure network interface
memfreeDisplays the amount of used and free memory in your system
mkdirmkdirCreate a Directory
moremore or even lessDisplays output one screen at a time
movemvMoves files and renames files and directories
pingpingSend packets to a network host
route printroute -nPrint routing table
rebootshutdown -r nowReboot system
renmvRenames a file or files
setset or envList all environment variables
tracerttracerouteShow routes and router hops to given network destination
timedateDisplays or sets the system time
tasklistps -aux toptop List executable name, process ID number and memory usage of active processes
typecatDump contents of a file to users screen
verUname -aOperating system/shell version
winstartxStart x-windows
xcopycp -RCopy all file of directory recursively


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