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Showing posts with the label AWS

How to mount Amazon EBS Volume ?

Amazon instance that does not have a volume attached as root (/dev/sda1) will not allow you to start the instance. Login to the AWS account and go to the Elastic Cloud Compute[EC2] section and go to  Volumes (under the Elastic block store) then right click on your volume, attach, select your instance, then type /dev/sda1 in the textfield. Now you can able to start your Instance without any issues.

How to setup Amazon EC2 Instances in Amazon Cloud?

I. Register for Amazon EC2 1. Go to and make an account. 2. Read over all appropriate charges that you will incur. You'll be charged for bandwidth, disk io, the server itself, ebs volumes, etc. There is a free tier for new customers but you will probably incur some extra charges outside of that tier. 3. Understand pricing structure of EC2 servers. There are 3 pricing tiers. Servers are charged per hour of usage. On Demand: Most expensive but pay as you go and guaranteed server time. Set up within seconds usually. Reserved: Same as on demand but you pay for access to lower prices for 1 or 3 years with a one time fee. Spot: (what i generally use) based on bid for unused servers. Cheapest prices of all. Set a maximum price you're wiling to pay for server time and a server is obtained through a bidding process. Usually costs 1/3 of price of on demand instances. If current bid prices rises above your maximum bid your server will be shut down and your data...