Linux operating system has a beautiful graphical interface which most of us will be using. It will be good to learn the basic commands in Linux to work interactively with the Linux operating system. Linux has a back end access know as shell. You can control and activate all the process in Linux from the shell. So it is very important to learn few basic commands to work with Linux operating system. There are 7 terminals for Linux. 6 terminals are non - GUI and 1 terminal for GUI access. You can login to each terminal using Alt + Ctrl + F1 , F2, .. F7. Each terminals will request your username and password for login. If you want to use the shell in the graphical interface (GUI), press Alt + F2 and type "konsole". As a user you will have permission to access only your /home/user directory and other directories in it. Navigation Commands - [ pwd, cd ]
This blog is fully for system admins and others who are facing issues with their day to day IT life. Which helps you to learn from your mistakes and issues here you can find lot of troubleshooting techniques and other information which helps you to get some idea to fix your issues..