Linux Equivalents Of Dos Commands Are you a Dos command pro but finding it a little difficult to settle down with Linux command lines? Here's some help! Linux command line is the most powerful tool of Linux, that can help you do almost every thing right from the shell. And if you are aware of the Dos commands, learning Linux command line becomes a lot more easier. Below is a list of Linux equivalents 36 Dos commands to help you out. You can also read and more Linux commands in this list of 83 Linux Commands For Beginners . DOS commands Linux command Function assign ln Create a file or directory link /? man Help about the command break on trap Trap ctrl-break / Trap signals cd cd Change directory chdir pwd Display directory location cls clear Clear screen copy cp Copy a file date date Displays or sets the date del rm Deletes one or more files dir ls Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory doskey /h history history List command history e...
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